Tuesday 28 June 2011


Hi loves! sweety2 night! =) ...berbalik pd title di atas...nak tanya u all...u all panas x beberapa hari ni?? sy sangat panas...panas dalam erti kata mmg panas dan panas dalam erti kata marah..haha...dua2 ada..mcm2 ada...1st, panas sbb cuaca panas...alahai...bila la nak hujan ye?? asyik panas je....berpeluh2...xya buang duit g sauna...kat rumah je dah mcm sauna...panas2 jugak, ni hati gua lg panas...nama je ada aircond kat blik tdo...tp mcm haram je...biasa la..,aircond lama...alahai...mmg bikin panaslah!! grrrrr

p/s : arini xde gambar..sbb saya PANAS!!

love and hate,
*nak pindah g kutub utara la*

i am a balloon lover

Hi loves! how are you today?? i hope everything is fine...i started my day with balloon pictures ya..vintage one...it's really lovely and fun..i really wish that one day i will have my own balloon pics too! =)..my day started at 11am. kinda late huh? but it is fact. hehe...and it is the time to start starving and craving for food..hehe...so, enjoy your day loves! bubbye!

p/s : balloon is beautiful right??

love and hate, 
*belon belon cinta*

Zon Inggar bersama Kak Lehot - EPISOD: KEDEKUT

Zon Inggar bersama Kak Lehot - EPISOD: JODOH JODOH

alahai kak lehot!

Hi loves! buat semua org Sarawak...i bet korang semua tok kenal ngan Kak Lehot..haha....thumbs up for Kak Lehot! enjoy the videos of Kak Lehot yg i post kat cni ok!! but make sure that u FAHAM bahasa Sarawak ok..hehe...

p/s :kak tok mok join Kak Lehot lah..hahaha

love and hate,
*mun la kak lehot beganding ngan bunyau, ku asa kalah hotfm eh..*

Zon Inggar bersama Kak Lehot - EPISOD: BAHANA FACEBOOK

Monday 27 June 2011

hurmm....apa2 je la...

Hi loves! perut dah kenyang mkn my own lobak masin soup..haha...so, layan je la ok??

p/s : bila tgk butang2 ni..teringat kat cena....cena, this is your butang2!haha

love and hate,
*i wanna nobody nobody but hang*

another C.R.A.P.S of mine

Hi loves! here's my another craps..haha..enjoy ya!

p/s : any comment?? leave a word.. =+

love and hate,
♥ arabella♥
*aku dah pandai tekan2 love...my cousin yg ajar..haha..♥♥◘○*

a great start

Hi loves! it's kinda late to start the day, but i bet it was a great start ever! i had my *late* breakfast with 4 cupcakes..haha..but i finish my breakfast with mcd french fries..*kentang yang hangus*..huhuhu....i salah timing utk microwave...abis hangus...tp, *ada ku kesah??*...yg aku kesah adlh *my mom!*..urghh..mesti banyak bebelan beliau...dush!! well, lets talk about Nomo...oh Nomoae! my cute little kitten...*cat to be*..haha...Nomoae x suka mkn friskies yg mcm jajan tu...*memilih yerr..sekeh kang*..so, sbg makanan  pilihan, sy bg hotdog..haha...amek kau! now sy ngah nonton Safa & Marwah..huhu...cerita x penah abis dowh..tp best..haha....tp aku yakin x lama lg cerita ni bakal abis..haha...ok then, that's all..bubbye loves!

p/s : anda selalu dihatiku.. ♥♥♥♥♥

love and hate,
*aaron aziz mmg dihatiku* ♥♥♥

my own V.I.N.T.A.G.E maybe not so V.I.N.T.A.G.E

Hi loves! as what i promised to all of you...this is my first job in editing photos. my theme is V.I.N.T.A.G.E..but maybe not so vintage for an expert vintage lover. but i think this is a great effort for the first timer like me. kita enjoy!

p/s: not so good, but will be greater

love and hate,
* i wanna edit my own wedding pictures*

my new L.O.V.E

Hi loves! finally, i had found my true love! yipee!!! u all nak tau ke? nak tau? betul nak tau?? haha...my new love is * vintage photograph* haha...xnak cakap banyak2...u all layan je la some of vintage photos yg i download a.k.a curik dr internet...hehe...

this is my blog background.. cool huh? =)

p/s : i pun tgh study cmna nak edit photo2 mcm ni...upload for u later..ok loves?

love and hate,
*the most great lens in my life is my eyes*

happy Sunday!!

Hi loves! happy sunday-monday!haha...hari ni balik kampung jap..jenguk my grandfathers n grandmothers. tp x sempat la nak posing2 tgh padang tu...sbb td asyik makan je..*opss...diet lupa lagi!!!*..haha...balik kampung mesti jupa *beliau*. kenapa kau x penah lari dr hidup aku ha? lari la jauh2 oii..bkn ke ko sendiri yang ckp ko nak jauhkan diri. hah,silakan pergi encik *tettt!*..sila abaikan ayat sebelum ni..haha..kita cerita lain lah..jom! ha, td aku nonton pentas Kilauan Emas ngan parents, neneks, datuks n the big fat boy..haha...nenek aku nak join Kilauan Emas you! bleh dapat free polident..haha...kalau la nenek aku ikut, aku siap sponsor banner n bunting lg taw! haha...balik dr kampung, singgah jap kat umah kazen...ada bbq...*aduhh..makan lagi!*..then gossip2 ngan my cousin..biasa la, kalau jumpa, haruslah gossip...like what our mothers did!..haha...i think kalau kteorg da ada anak nnti kan, kte org akan gossip mcm our mothers jg la..haha...*ewww*...we always talk about interesting n funny things..n sometimes we can't stop laughing =) =) ...so fun ah? and we are still enjoying our life... =)

p/s: ohana means family, family means nobody to be left behind or forgotten

love and hate,
*i hope u remember my last sentence mr.P, i said family is family no matter what special relationship we had*

Sunday 26 June 2011

quick updates!

Hi loves! urghh....kenyang makan McD..lalala...senang hati....*diet??lupakan sekejap*...hehehe....so tonight i'm not gonna hanging around with my dear blog, fb and twitter..i wanna learn how to edit some of my photos..hehe...will update the photos to you soon, loves! i'll promise.. =).. so, good night loves! sweet dream! bubbye!

p/s : sleep like a panda huh??

love and hate,
*i ♥ aaron aziz*

Saturday 25 June 2011

Learn Philippines... (0.o)

I learn Tagalog today...lalalalala...♥♥♥ Actualy this is not me lalalalala...♥♥♥ Testing-testing...Hows my new bloggy??? lalalala... ♥♥♥

* my secret dream*

p/s: when i say i heart you..LOL

love and hate,
*ingin memiliki*