Tuesday 20 May 2014

What To Expect When You Are Expecting.


2015 is almost end and this is my first entry of the year. 

I don't know why my interest on writing/typing become less and less. Same with reading. I used to love reading novels before. I enjoyed them. But now, all of them are just like a History textbook to me. But above all, I never get bored with singing. 

I turned 27 this year. I'm in mynlate twenties right now but my life hasn't start. I still mingling around. When I recalled back my 'life plan' that I planned years and years ago, when I was in my high school, at the age of 27, I suppose to live a married life with a super gorgeous husband and have kids. Two kids to be exact. Oh dear, I am still alive, thanks God and still single. 

So what to expect when you are expecting? I don't have the correct anawer for it. I don't even know the answer.

There are things that I don't expect to happen, but it happen. I complete my Masters, and this is an invisible dream and it was not a part of my plan. I applied for a teacher's post, which is totally out of my study field. I speak English. Ya, I speak English. I do part time jobs to earn money. I never thought that I will do multiple jobs just to earn a single cents. Thought that I get a job straight away after I completed my study. 

Things are not always happen according to plan. We plan on a straight road, but we don't include the curvy-bumpy-hilly road. And sometimes we don't even imagine there is a big hole on the road and if we walk on it, we fall. We never plan to fall.

It is good when we don't include the hole in our plan, but it is wrong if we don't include the way on how to rise after we fall. Because if we don't, we will not succeed.

So what to expext when you are expecting? Always have a Plan B. When the first's doesn't work, use the second road.

I've been there and I don't reach my destination yet. When will I reach them? i don't know, because I'm giving up on expectation and I just go with the flow.

Not a daydreamer,

Bila Malas Dah Hilang

Wohoo! Lama gila tak menjenguk, apatah lagi menjeling belog nih. Tu la, dulu zaman Hanis Zalikha femes, kau nak jugak buat belog. Last last belog entah kemana, kau entah kemana. Hamis Jalikha dah jadik retis, kau? Sopiah Sopiah. Eh, buat bisnes popiah lah kau.

Aku bizi.

Alasan paling hadap dalam dunia bila tak sempat nak tulis belog. Padahal, bangun pagi sampai tutup mata, mengadap laptop je kerjanya. Boleh pulak cakap bizi. Bizi buat apa?

Aku tengok drama lah. Happy pills. Melihat sisipan jejaka jejaka hensem melalui lensa mata dan memantul ke skrin laptop. Amboi, puitis sungguh bahasa. Puitis ke. Puihh. Asal aku rasa pelik je dengan ejaan puitis nih. Betul ke idokkk, jap..google jap.

Bila la nak jadi independent dan berhenti menggoogle. Menggoogle. Sumpah pelik. Kalau sebut tak pelik pulak kan. Eh, asal kita tak pernah cakap, mengyahoo, mengbing, dan sebagainya? Kesian depa, depa nak jugak femes.

Assignment banyak.

Dah namanya student, memang la assignment banyak pandai! Abis tu kalau taknak assignment banyak menggunung, takyah belajar. Eh, jap jap jap, kau siapkan dengan menggunakan buah fikiran kau ke semua assignment tu? Ke kau culik idea encik Google. Pandai kau nokkk.

Eh, kalau macam tu, kahwin je la ngan encik Google. Senang. Dia ada segala jawapan.

Hey, mana boleh! Nanti takda zuriat.


Aku tau, kau nak jugak Lee Dong Wook. Macam la dia nak kat kau. Meluat. Tapi sampai la ni tak jumpa ponnnnnn. Ponnnn...ponnnn...ponnnn. Hoi, jangan seru!

Apa kes?