Sunday 30 September 2012

Mein Raum

Hello there! Kinda miss ya!

As I promised before, I nak show kat korang my lovely room kan? Hewhewhew. Well, I captured some pics tadi. *Bosan sebab tanak study, so I captured some pics*

But before that, I nak mintak maaf because what you will see is not the one that you prefer to see. My space is totally mess! *Miahaha* Lain kali I mintak Eric Leong tolong kemas untuk I. *Cantik tak..cantik tak..cantik tak??* Sorry Eric, but it is your famous punch line. haha.

So, are you ready guys? *Jawab Ai Ai Captain!* Kalau tak, I tanak show! HAHA.

Ini before I moved in. 
My tall locker, my study table, white and soft board and the so called book shelves. 
*but I didn't put my book on it*

My bed without bed sheet. Also taken before I moved in. I was so excited because the furnitures are new, so gedik la nak amik gambar kan.

Tadaaa. See..I will never put my books on the shelves. This what we called food-shelves. HAHA

My so called study table. But I tak duduk kat situ pun. Kinda sempit for me. U know la why..Aiyaa..

Note to self. Discover who is the little Dumbo!

Bigger view.

My locker+study table. Kemas tak kemas tak kemas tak. *puji diri sendiri*
I can only put half of my baju baju in here. Half lagi I have to put them inside my luggage. Tak muat. HUHU.
I need a WARDROBE!!

Ok ok. I admit it. This is a mess. My bed with Power Puff Girl's bed sheet, my Japanese table + my lappy (this is the place where I actually study)

Kat bawah katil ada macam2 ada,  2 luggage bags, one big teddy box, weighing scale, tikar, 2 pairs of shous, iron and water heater. Dan juga habuk habuk bergelimpangan. 

Kat hujung katil ada my laundry basket (basket la sangat), my toileteries and my multi purpose ampaian + hanger.

So, have fun? No? HAHA. 

Oh ya, the fee for this room is kinda cheaper than my old room. MYR 210 per semester. Murah kan? Half price from the old one. Save more money lorr. #$$$

So, until we meet in next post darlings!

love and hate,

Saturday 29 September 2012

Define the undefined.

Hey everyone! It's been a long time I didn't write anything in my blog. Kinda miss all of you. I am so sorry because I didn't write and I didn't reply all of the chats in the chatbox. But deep in my heart I said THANK YOU for leaving me your messages and support. *mata dah berair dah ni. sayu..sedih..terharu*

Well, saya sangat busy sekarang ni. *kena guna BM, kang kena saman!* In the past 2 months, I undergo my Industrial Training in Kelantan and I have no time to update my blog as well as I don't have the time to log in into my facebook and twitter. *Sebenarnya I don't have any internet connection. I terminated my broadband* (Perasan ada wifi kat hostel. Wifi yang laju tahap gaban itteww. Phewww). So memang padan muka la tak dapat online time cuti!

My LI went well. I met a new friend, Fahmi instead of hanging around with my GFF, Syikin. We had so much fun together. Boley la blah jugak daripada duk nganga kat site. My site is kinda boring. And the boredom makes me re-think that I am not supposed to further pursue my study in Civil Engineering. Dah nak abis degree baru la dapat tahu yang bidang ni tak diminati langsung. Seriously!! Tak minat!! I hate some of the gatal gatal worker kat my site yang tak SEDORRR diri. *Haishh* #sexual Harassment# Damn I hate it. Tuikk. So, to prevent me myself kena kacau, I duduk kat site office yang panas itteww, and layahn #RunningMan! Lagi ada makna. Kan Kan Kan??

Within those two months, I went through many things. Happiness and sadness. Sweet and sour memories. I met many people. Ma, Wea, Kak Jom, Kak Num, Kak, little Amna, little Amni, little Aqil@Akil, little Adam, Amin, & Aluwi. Terima kasih banyak banyak sebab kasi saya tinggal dan makan di rumah. Makanan semuanya sedap sedap belaka. I celebrated raya in Kelantan for the first time. Sangat best. I hope I can be there for another Raya.

Happy happy jugak. Dalam happy ada sedihnya. The one and only, my Inik Cipit passed away on the 3rd of August. It really breaks my heart away. I tak sempat pun jumpa dia for the last and final time. The last I jumpa and bergurau with her is when we had our very peaceful and happy Gawai Day. Time tu memang dia cakap dia ada sakit kat rusuk. I never thought that that happy day is the last time I saw her smile. *starts to cry* So many memories of her that I will never forget. Inik Cipit, where ever you are now, you will be missed and love. In my heart and mind, you are still alive. Thou I cannot see you, but you are in my heart. Always here. Deep deep inside. *cry again* I love you so much. Yet and still. Now and forever. Rest in peace, Amen.

Lectures start! New semester begins! Ready set go! So, now I am officially a final year student. *Yeay!* (Tangan angkat ke atas!) *Woi,cover ketiak woi!!* So as a final year student, dah memang wajib la aku ada Final Year Project. *dang!* Tetiap minggu kena jumpa supervisor. My supervisor, Mdm Azreena is very nice. I'm fine with everything. A little bit letih because every week kena update my work. OMG, I really wish that I have 40 hours in a day. I don't have enough time to zzz. Even nak korek idong pun kena jimat masa. Sebab I need both of my hands to keep on working and writing! Plus, all the assignments must be HANDWRITTEN. Can you imagine? Haishhh! *Apo kono fakulti aku sem nih??*

And the best of the best part is, 100% attendance to the lectures. TAHNIAH! Nak jadi student civil bukan senang oii. Lebih lebih lagi ada dekan yang strict nak dot dot dot macam ni. Panas bontot aku baca pasal attendance nih. Tak boley nak sesukahati doraemon pokemon korang nak escape. NO EXCUSE okeh!

Then, about my class pulak. Semua class went well. Subject membaca. ARghhh!!! Bekus bekus bekus otak aku. But the subject yang can make my life reduced by 100 years is Foundation Engineering! OMAGA! Lecturer dari Egypt. I kena korek telinga and dengar betul betul setiap patah yang dituturkannya. *cehh..dituturkan!* And the most frightening moment is bila dia tanya kita soalan. Mak aihhh..Dah la benda yang aku tak suka. *I don't like Geology+Soil Mechanics subject* Tahan rasa je la. HUHU. Ok, nuff said.

Dah bosan ke dengan cerita aku? Ni ada lagi few more stories yang I nak kasitau. Sabaq naaa.

What I really love about this semester is my room!! Walaupun I hanya pelajar rayuan, tapi I love my room! Perabot baru! Bilik pun luas. Perabot kaler merah gittewww. My mom also said, "eh lawaaaa!" *Later in next update I upload pic okeh, sekarang ni tengah berselerak la* (Cover malu). HAHA. Sem ni dapat bilik be-empat. So sangat riuh rendah bilik kami taw. I have new roomates, Faten (my classmate), Ju (Faten's friend) and the cute Kak Fad. Two Mechy's, two Civil's. Baguihh la tu. Sangat seronok bila roomate ramai nih. Seriously. Tapi rumet berdua pun ok juga. I miss my ex-roomates in the last three semesters, Wawa,Pipah and Kira. Lebiu lebiu lebiu oll!

Well, I think that's all for tonight. I pun dah mengantuk. *Menyampah tunggu runningman tak abis abis loading* Esok nak temankan Syikin beli tiket balik rayerrr. Btw, I nyerr flight dah book. Time to fly! Sorry dean, when it comes to holiday, your rule means nothing to me. As I said before, I am pretty enough to break your rule.

Sekian kawan kawan semua. Sayang korang. *Nak mekdi big mac boleh??*

Time to sleep. Tweety is waiting for me. Tadaaaa!! 

P/s: nak keluar single terbaru -->Duitku Tak Pernah Cukup. Dengarkan hanya di

Love and hate,